
Middle East

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Presedintele CCIB a participat la Masa Rotunda Kazahstan: Calea reformelor progresive. Un nou Capitol al Cooperarii Romania-Kazahstan

Presedintele CCIB a participat la Masa Rotunda Kazahstan: Calea reformelor progresive. Un nou Capitol al Cooperarii Romania-Kazahstan

Presedintele Camerei de Comert si Industrie a Municipiului Bucuresti, Iuliu Stocklosa, a participat in data de 15 mai la o Masa Rotunda organizata de MEPEI The Middle East Political and Economic Institute) si EuroDefense Romania in parteneriat cu Ambasada Republicii Kazahstan in Romania.

The situation in the Middle East, on the agenda of the European Council

The situation in the Middle East after the recent air attack launched by Iran against Israel and the search for solutions to ease relations between the two states will be on the agenda of the extraordinary meeting of the European Council, which will take place in that days in Brussels and at which our country will be represented by the president Klaus Iohannis.

Israel ready to retaliate, G7 and UN ask it not to

The authorities in Israel are ready to retaliate after the air attack launched by Iran at the end of last week, they promise to retaliate at the most appropriate time, but the world and s most powerful states from an economic point of view in the G7 and the UN Security Council I ask them not to do it and not to escalate the current conflict in the Middle East.

Iran attacks, Israel defends itself with the support of its allies

Israel and s ability to defend itself was sorely tested Saturday night into Sunday after Iranian forces and their allies in the Middle East sent nearly 300 drones and ballistic missiles into the Jewish state aimed at hitting several military and administrative targets.

Tense situation between Iran and Israel: US officials talk again about an imminent Iranian airstrike

Lufthansa has suspended flights to Tehran until Sunday *The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation has warned its citizens not to travel to the Middle East these days *Benjamin Netanyahu: We have established a simple principle: whoever hits us, we hit him.

Russia wants to find the client who ordered the terrorist attack in Moscow

Vladimir Putin admitted that Islamic terrorists carried out the attack, but claims that they received support from Ukraine *FSB chief, Alexander Bortnikov: The training of militants in the Middle East was carried out by Ukraine *Dmitry Medvedev: All those involved: those who paid for the attack, those who sympathized, those who helped the attackers * Russia and s Constitutional Court considers the opportunity to reintroduce the death penalty * The Moscow court yesterday accused the head of the SBU Ukraine and s intelligence service) of terrorism for the bombing of the Kerch bridge in 2022.

Cea mai mare investitie din istoria Egiptului in dezvoltarea urbana. Super-orasul care se va dezvolta la Mediterana

Egiptul a convenit asupra unui acord de 35 de miliarde de dolari cu Emiratele Arabe Unite pentru a dezvolta orasul Ras el-Hekma de pe coasta sa de nord-vest, a anuntat vineri premierul egiptean Mostafa Madbouly, dupa saptamani de speculatii, conform Middle East Eye.

The situation in Ukraine - one of the topics of debate at the Munich Security Conference

The global geostrategic and political situation, the military support given to Ukraine, the tensions in the Middle East and in the Indo-Pacific area, the recent statements of the former American president Donald Trump are only part of the topics of discussion that will be addressed these days within the of the 60th Munich Security Conference, which they are expected to attend from today until Sunday over 50 heads of state and government and over 100 ministers from around the world.

The enlargement of the European Union - a hot topic on the agenda of the European Council

The situation in Ukraine and the Middle East, the enlargement of the European Union, the modification of the multiannual financial framework 2021-2027, common defense and security and relations with third countries are the topics on the agenda of the heads of state or government who will participate in the next two days at European Council meeting.

Fitch: A very high oil price would affect economic growth in 2024

A higher-than-expected oil price next year, which would occur in a scenario where conflict in the Middle East disrupts crude oil supplies, would lead to lower economic growth and higher inflation, according to Fitch Ratings expectations, cited by hellenicshippingnews. com.

Discussions Russia - Saudi Arabia about a solution to the conflict in the Middle East

The Minister of Foreign Affairs from Moscow, Sergey Lavrov, yesterday had a telephone discussion with his Saudi counterpart, Faisal bin Farhan Al Saud, regarding the situation in the Middle East, respectively a solution to the conflict between Israel and Hamas, according to the announcement made by Russia, reports Reuters.

The Middle East in war conditions: the price of gold - at 2,000 dollars an ounce

Gold futures have crossed the $2,000 an ounce mark on international exchanges, amid rising tensions created by the conflict in the Middle East.

The US and China are preparing the ground for a Biden-Xi Jinping summit next month

Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi visiting Washington for talks with Secretary of State Antony Blinken In the midst of two active, potentially world-changing conflicts in the Middle East and Europe, the US is hoping to find at least some common ground with China, as Beijing and s foreign minister began a three-day visit to Washington yesterday .

Middle East Eye: Hamas se asteapta ca Israelul sa inunde tunelurile sale cu gaze toxice

Combatantii palestinieni se asteapta ca Israelul sa inunde tunelurile Hamas cu gaze toxice sub supravegherea comandourilor americane Delta Force, ca parte a unui atac surpriza asupra Fasiei Gaza, sustine o sursa araba de rang inalt pentru Middle East Eye.

Terrorist attacks, a threat to European countries

Terrorist attacks seem to be an increasingly serious threat to the member states of the European Union, at a time when the conflict in the Middle East is escalating.

China trimite un emisar in Orientul Mijlociu sa medieze pacea dintre Israel si Fasia Gaza

China raspunde la apelurile Statelor Unite ale Americii si ale Uniunii Europene pentru a media conflictul dintre Israel si Fasia Gaza. Autoritatile au transmis ca trimit un emisar pentru a negocia pacea in Orientul Mijlociu. Oficialul chinez de rang inalt, Zhai Jun, se pregateste sa efectueze o vizita in Orientul Mijlociu in urmatoarele saptamani, cu scopul de a facilita discutii de pace si de a contribui la incetarea conflictului dintre Israel si Hamas, potrivit ddnews. gov. in. Zhai Jun, the Chinese governments special envoy on the Middle East issue, said Saturday on the current Palestine-Israel conflict that only a ceasefire and an end to violence as soon as possible can create the necessary conditions for a political settlement. pic. twitter. com8tFA8kUPo7 .

Startup-ul romanesc Bunnyshell se extinde pe pietele din Orientul Mijlociu

Startup-ul romanesc Bunnyshell se extinde pe pietele din Orientul Mijlociu, in urma incheierii unui parteneriat cu Middle East Telecommunications Company METCO).

Bunnyshell se extinde pe pietele din Orientul Mijlociu

Bunnyshell, companie de Enterprise SaaS, a incheiat un parteneriat cu Middle East Telecommunications Company METCO) care va sustine extinderea start-up-ului romanesc pe pietele arabe din Golf.

Stranger Things 5: David Harbour a dezvaluit cand vor incepe filmarile!

Stim de ceva vreme ca Stranger Things se va incheia cu al 5-lea sezon, iar acum avem cateva informatii interesante. inca o data, David Harbour, alias Jim Hopper, a fost la Middle East Film Comic Con din Abu Dhabi si a dezvaluit exact cand vor incepe filmarile. Dupa cum a declarat in mod expres, .

Ultima dorinta a unei bunicute din SUA: Femeia a fost inmormantata intr-un sicriu sub forma bomboanei MM

Potrivit unui articol din Esquire Middle East, o familie din SUA a indeplinit dorinta bunicutei lor, Mary Martin Gailey, de a fi inmormantata intr-un sicriu neobisnuit pe care l-a proiectat in timpul vietii sale. Sicriul a fost realizat sub forma unei bomboane MM albastre Sicriul a fost realizat sub forma unei bomboane MM albastre si a fost pastrat in casa ei timp de ani de zile. Fotografii de la inmormantare au fost postate pe TikTok de nepotul sau, Scott Roundtree.

actualitate, 16:15

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