
The Mangalia Shipyard - blocked by the lack of decisions from the Ministry of Economy

Ziarul Bursa Ziarul Bursa,
The Mangalia Shipyard - blocked by the lack of decisions from the Ministry of Economy

Damen Holding BV notifies the Romanian state on August 4, 2023 that it is withdrawing from the Mangalia Naval Shipyard *Since then and until now, monthly AGA meetings have been convened, but the state representatives, through the company STNM 2 Mai, have blocked the taking of any decision *Because of this , the shipyard has not approved the budget execution for the year 2023 nor the budget for the year 2024, which prevents the management team from concluding contracts that would bring 300 million euros into the company and s treasury *However, there are periods when STNM 2 Mai shares on the market AeRO increases its value, instead of continuing the drastic decrease started last summer *The next AGA meeting is scheduled for April 29. continuă pe Ziarul Bursa

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actualitate, 01:05

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