
Year 2020

Libnet Ro
NATO report: Last year, the government allocated only 1.6% of GDP to defense

NATO report: Last year, the government allocated only 1.6% of GDP to defense

The Romanian government spent less money on defense in 2023, only 1. 6% of GDP and not 2% or 2. 5% as President Klaus Iohannis wants), according to the data contained in the official NATO report on last year presented last Thursday by Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg), after spending 1. 75% of GDP in 2022 and 1. 88% of GDP in 2021. The only year in the last four in which military spending reached 2% of GDP was the first pandemic year - 2020, when the Orban government gave 2. 01% of GDP to defense.

Oxfam: The five richest people in the world doubled their wealth from 2020 to last year

The combined wealth of Elon Musk, Bernard Arnault, Jeff Bezos, Larry Ellison and Warren Buffett was $869 billion as of November 2023, according to the organization and s report * If current trends continue, the world will have its first trillionaire in a decade, but poverty will not be eradicated for another 229 years, according to Oxfam * The organization calls for reducing the power of corporations by breaking up monopolies and taxing excess profits .

New taxes and fees

The new school year brought us new fees and taxes in the first month of autumn, following the fiscal changes assumed in the Government Parliament to reduce the budget deficit. Threatened by the European Commission with the cut of allocations from EU funds, the Ciolacu government had to, after inheriting the draft law on new fees and taxes throughout the summer season, go with it to the Parliament, hoping that it would be approved at the Ecofin Council meeting the new budget deficit target that is more than one percent higher than the one agreed in March 2020 with Brussels officials.


English) University of Bucharest Review. Literary and Cultural Studies Series UBR)was founded in 1999 and has been a constant presence on the Romanian academic scene ever since. The review is a platform for the publication of original research. UBRs originality lies primarily in the following cherished values: 1. Inclusiveness: open to both literature-centered, and culture-centered scholarship, both theory, and practiceapplied analysis, and coverage of the entire English-speaking space; 2. Pluralism: no theoretical or ideological partisanship, pooling scholars from all areas of the world, all national and academic cultures; open-minded engaging of contentious subjects; 3. Extended Cultural Discourse Studies: screening the entire field of applicability for the notion of Discourse and Discourse Studies as a suprasegmental concept, meant to bring together under the same umbrella critical theories, literary criticism, social anthropology, British, American and Canadian cultural studies, translation theories, comparative literature, as well as the study of nationalism and post-communism, visual culture and performance arts. TheUniversity of Bucharest Reviewwas awarded the prize for the Humanities Review of the Year 2020, by the Senate of the University of Bucharest. UBRis also available online athttps:ubr. rev. unibuc. roto open access to current and past issues.


English) University of Bucharest Review. Literary and Cultural Studies Series UBR)was founded in 1999 and has been a constant presence on the Romanian academic scene ever since. The review is a platform for the publication of original research. UBRs originality lies primarily in the following cherished values: 1. Inclusiveness: open to both literature-centered, and culture-centered scholarship, both theory, and practiceapplied analysis, and coverage of the entire English-speaking space; 2. Pluralism: no theoretical or ideological partisanship, pooling scholars from all areas of the world, all national and academic cultures; open-minded engaging of contentious subjects; 3. Extended Cultural Discourse Studies: screening the entire field of applicability for the notion of Discourse and Discourse Studies as a suprasegmental concept, meant to bring together under the same umbrella critical theories, literary criticism, social anthropology, British, American and Canadian cultural studies, translation theories, comparative literature, as well as the study of nationalism and post-communism, visual culture and performance arts. TheUniversity of Bucharest Reviewwas awarded the prize for the Humanities Review of the Year 2020, by the Senate of the University of Bucharest. UBRis also available online athttps:ubr. rev. unibuc. roto open access to current and past issues.


University of Bucharest Review. Literary and Cultural Studies Series UBR)was founded in 1999 and has been a constant presence on the Romanian academic scene ever since. The review is a platform for the publication of original research. UBRs originality lies primarily in the following cherished values: 1. Inclusiveness: open to both literature-centered, and culture-centered scholarship, both theory, and practiceapplied analysis, and coverage of the entire English-speaking space; 2. Pluralism: no theoretical or ideological partisanship, pooling scholars from all areas of the world, all national and academic cultures; open-minded engaging of contentious subjects; 3. Extended Cultural Discourse Studies: screening the entire field of applicability for the notion of Discourse and Discourse Studies as a suprasegmental concept, meant to bring together under the same umbrella critical theories, literary criticism, social anthropology, British, American and Canadian cultural studies, translation theories, comparative literature, as well as the study of nationalism and post-communism, visual culture and performance arts. TheUniversity of Bucharest Reviewwas awarded the prize for the Humanities Review of the Year 2020, by the Senate of the University of Bucharest. UBRis also available online athttps:ubr. rev. unibuc. roto open access to current and past issues.


English) University of Bucharest Review. Literary and Cultural Studies Series UBR)was founded in 1999 and has been a constant presence on the Romanian academic scene ever since. The review is a platform for the publication of original research. UBRs originality lies primarily in the following cherished values: 1. Inclusiveness: open to both literature-centered, and culture-centered scholarship, both theory, and practiceapplied analysis, and coverage of the entire English-speaking space; 2. Pluralism: no theoretical or ideological partisanship, pooling scholars from all areas of the world, all national and academic cultures; open-minded engaging of contentious subjects; 3. Extended Cultural Discourse Studies: screening the entire field of applicability for the notion of Discourse and Discourse Studies as a suprasegmental concept, meant to bring together under the same umbrella critical theories, literary criticism, social anthropology, British, American and Canadian cultural studies, translation theories, comparative literature, as well as the study of nationalism and post-communism, visual culture and performance arts. TheUniversity of Bucharest Reviewwas awarded the prize for the Humanities Review of the Year 2020, by the Senate of the University of Bucharest. UBRis also available online athttps:ubr. rev. unibuc. roto open access to current and past issues.

The increase in non-performing loans - one of the risks of the banking system this year

An increase in the volume of non-performing loans is one of this year and s risks for the banking system, Gabriela Folcut, Executive Director of the Romanian Banking Association ARB) told us. The Balance of Non-Governmental credit evolved by 5. 5% in 2020, as the economy contracted by 5. 2%, according to estimates. Thus, paradoxically, we could also witness an increase in the degree of financial intermediation, up from 25%.

INTERVIEW WITH FLORIN JIANU, THE CEO OF CNIPMMR: If national and european instruments have a quick enter in the economy, it will recover

Small and medium-sized businesses have had a difficult year due to the Covid-19 pandemic, which has led to an unexpected crisis. 23% of entrepreneurs in our country claim that their activity has been affected by the current crisis, and 5 out of 10 SMEs have reduced their activity, according to data recently presented in the White Paper on SMEs 2020. The government tried throughout the past year to support entrepreneurs through several measures financed via the state budget and European grants, but many of them encountered difficulties in implementation.

George Clooney, omul anului 2020. Viata starului in pandemi: Dau cu mopul si aspiratorul, spal rufe si vase in fiecare zi

Una dintre putinele vesti bune de anul acesta e ca superstarul hollywoodian a fost desemnat Icon of the Year pentru tot binele pe care ni l-a facut in pandemie si nu numai.

KASPERSKY: Atacurile asupra protocoalelor desktop la distanta au crescut cu 242% - ajungand la 3,3 miliarde in 2020

In ultimul an a avut loc o schimbare involuntara la nivel mondial, in urma careia am inceput sa ne bazam considerabil pe platforme si instrumente digitale, atat pentru a ne desfasura activitatea profesionala, cat si pentru alte aspecte ale vietii noastre. Statul acasa - modul de viata in conditii de siguranta, a facut organizatiile sa-si ajusteze retelele corporative si a dus la aparitia unor noi amenintari, precum si la intensificarea unora dintre cele existente. Acest lucru nu inseamna neaparat ca numarul total de atacuri identificate a crescut in 2020, insa redistribuirea lor este clara. Cercetatorii Kaspersky au descoperit o crestere cu 242% a atacurilor brute force asupra protocoalelor desktop la distanta RDP) comparativ cu anul trecut si au identificat 1,7 milioane de fisiere malware, deghizate in aplicatii destinate comunicarii corporative. Ambele descoperiri reflecta modul in care atacatorii depun toate eforturile pentru a tinti utilizatorii care lucreaza de acasa. Acestea, dar si alte descoperiri au fost evidentiate de cercetatorii Kaspersky in raportul companiei Story of the year: remote work, conform unui comunicat trimis redactiei.

Canotoarea Madalina Beres a fost desemnata Sports Personality of the Year!

Madalina Beres, componenta a Lotului Olimpic de Canotaj al Romaniei, a fost desemnata Sports Personality of the Year in cadrul Galei Most Admired Business Women Awards 2020, eveniment organizat de Business Arena Magazine.

Catalin Buliga a fost desemnat CTO al anului 2020 la categoria Gamechanger

Catalin Buliga, directorul de tehnologie al Vodafone Romania, a castigat distinctia Mobile Europe and European Communications CTO of the Year Award 2020, la categoria Gamechanger, in cadrul CTO Award de anul acesta, anunta un comunicat de presa al Vodafone.

Catalin Buliga CTO of the year 2020 (Gamechanger)

Catalin Buliga, Directorul de Tehnologie al Vodafone Romania, a permit recunoastere la nivel european si a fost desemnat unul dintre cei mai importanti oameni din industria de telecomunicatii. Acesta a castigat distinctia Mobile Europe European Communications CTO of the Year Award 2020, categoria Gamechanger. Premiul este oferit de catre publicatia de prestigiu Mobile Europe .

Porsche Taycan aduce acasa o dubla victorie in competitia Masina Anului in Lume

La editia de anul acesta a World Car of the Year Awards 2020 WCOTY), Taycan a fost intampinat cu steagul castigatorului la linia de sosire, la doua categorii: Masina de lux a anului si Cea mai performanta masina a anului la nivel mondial.

A fost desemnata masina anului in Europa: cum arata clasamentul

Specialistii care fac parte din juriul European Car of The Year au desemnat masina anului in Europa. Industria auto trece printr-o perioada de totala transformare. Sunt la mare cautare,.

Peugeot 208 este Car of the Year 2020

Desi si-a inchis portile, GIMS 2020 Salonul Auto de la Geneva mai are ceva activitate reziduala pe EKG. Printre acestea si anuntarea masinii care obtine titlul Car of the Year 2020. Iar aceasta este Peugeot 208.

Foto Test Drive Renault Clio 1.0 TCe - Confirmare urbana

Urmeaza salonul de la Geneva, dar sa speram ca virusul nu ii va inchide portile. Renault Clio este unul dintre finalistii Car of the Year 2020, si unul dintre modelele cu sanse bune sa castige titlul. Nu stiu ce sta scris in viitor, eu vreau sa vorbesc despre cei 250 km parcursi urban cu un Renault Clio 1. 0 TCe.

Jocurile tale preferate, la reducere: pana cand dureaza ofertele de pe Steam

Steam a inceput reducerile cu ocazia anului nou chinezesc. Acestea sunt cumulate in spatele conceptului de Lunar New Year Sale si includ mii de jocuri la preturi semnificativ mai mici. in urma.

2020 - a special strategic thinking effort

The year 2020 will be marked by three events with a major impact on Romania and s development: The European Union will adopt the new 2021-2027 financial perspective and we expect our country to be allocated a volume of European funds at least as high as the one it got in the 2014-2020 financial perspective; the political parties in Romania will finalize their electoral programs for both local and parliamentary elections, with a 2024 time frame; the Romanian Government will finalize its priority objectives for the negotiation with the European Commission of the new Partnership Agreement for the period 2021-2027, including the requirements that we will have to meet for accessing European funds.

actualitate, 01:05

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