
Alexandru Combei, BRD Asset Management: There are chances that in the second semester the economic growth of Romania will accelerate

Ziarul Bursa Ziarul Bursa,
Alexandru Combei, BRD Asset Management: There are chances that in the second semester the economic growth of Romania will accelerate

Investors should not react emotionally during periods of high volatility There are chances that in the second half of the year the economic activity of our country will be more dynamic, thanks to the impulse from domestic demand, believes Alexandru Combei, CFA, Investment Director of BRD Asset Management. continuă pe Ziarul Bursa

Alexandru Combei, BRD Asset Management: Sunt sanse ca in semestrul al doilea cresterea economica a Romaniei sa accelereze

Investitorii nu trebuie sa reactioneze emotional in perioade cu volatilitate mare Sunt sanse ca in semestrul al doilea al anului activitatea economica a tarii noastre sa fie mai dinamica, datorita impulsului provenit din cererea interna, crede Alexandru Combei, CFA, Directorul de Investitii al BRD Asset Management.

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