
Defense Industry

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Mars analysis: European states must invest massively in the defense industry

Mars analysis: European states must invest massively in the defense industry

European states living under the threat of the Russian Federation must invest massively in the production capacities of the national defense industry, says an analysis by the think-tank Mars formerly the 2 March Foundation - 2-Mars) published in the French daily La Tribune, group which is made up of thirty French personalities from different backgrounds, from the public and private sectors and from the academic world, and which produces analyzes on issues of strategic interests related to the defense and security industry, technological development and industrial options.

Von der Leyen: We need major investments to be able to protect ourselves from any attack

Investments in the European defense industry are necessary for EU member states to have the necessary means to protect themselves and to repel any attack against them, Ursula von der Leyen, President of the Commission, said last Friday in Prague at the GLOBSEC Forum European.

The defense industry - on the radar of some venture capital funds in our country

McKinsey has identified three distinct waves of defense technology start-ups over the past 20 years The managers of some venture capital funds in our country follow the defense industry to identify investment opportunities in start-ups in the sector or have made investments in technologies that, although not developed for military security purposes, can be used in this field.

The war in Ukraine - financial boom for European defense companies

Longer-term concerns about how Russia is acting not only on the front in Ukraine, but also in the Middle East and the Far East have led European NATO member states to embark on an extensive program to increase their own weapons stockpiles, fact that turned into a real financial boom for companies in the defense industry, according to Euronews and the BBC.

Nicu Falcoi: The only solution is the privatization of state companies in the defense industry

The only solution is the privatization of the state companies in the defense industry subordinated to Romarm, if we want this sector of economic activity to modernize and become a competitive one, deputy Nicu Falcoi USR), vice-president of the NATO Parliamentary Assembly, told us , former military pilot.

The armaments industry - the new attraction for companies and investment funds

The Arms Race Hampered by the Financial Situation of State-Owned Companies in Our Defense Industry.

Aurel Cazacu: If the Russians attack us, we only have ammunition for two or three days

The defense industry in our country does not produce as much as it is needed, and this fact leaves us exposed to an armed attack from Russia, military expert Aurel Cazacu, former director general of Romarm, told us.

Damen Shipyard - ignored by the Romanian state for the development of the defense industry

Damen Shipyards Galati is an atypical case for the way in which the central authorities understand to collaborate with foreign companies that have opened subsidiaries in our country, collaboration that leads to the endowment of the Romanian Army.

Constantin Bucuroiu: We need a financing of 250 million euros in the defense industry

The defense industry in our country urgently needs a financing of 250 million euros to retechnology and modernize, claims Constantin Bucuroiu, the president of the Alliance of Trade Unions in the Defense and Aeronautical Industry ASIAA).

Hanwha introduced us to the infantry vehicle with the highest degree of protection in the world

The defense industry companies from South Korea entered the Romanian market strongly in the last year, their competitive advantage over the other industrial groups in the West being represented by the short delivery time of the products.

Investments for the green transition, without austerity measures for European citizens - the priority of the candidates for the EC presidency

The continuation of investments for the implementation of the Green Deal, the acceleration of allocations to support citizens and raise the standard of living, finding common sources of financing for the development of the defense industry, but also the permanent dialogue with the business environment and with farmers regarding the achievement of the targets set for climate neutrality in the year 2050, must constitute the priorities of the future president of the European Commission, declared the candidates for the position of head of the Community Executive, during the debate organized yesterday by Eurovision in the hemicycle of the European Parliament.

The Koreans from EOST want to build an assembly line in Romania

BSDA 2024 represented the occasion of a landing in Bucharest of Korean companies from the defense industry who want to collaborate with companies from our country to create assembly lines for military equipment that economic agents from the Far East produce in their own country and sell on the whole globe.

Revitalization of the national defense industry - main objective at BSDA 2024

In the context of the bloody conflict in Ukraine, the revitalization of the national defense industry has become a priority for the government, which cannot afford to make the mistakes of the past 34 years, when many weapons factories were closed and those that remained in operation were threatened with bankruptcy, Prime Minister Marcel Ciolacu said yesterday, at the opening of the Black Sea Defense and Aerospace BSDA) 2024 arms and military technology exhibition, an event that is taking place these days on the platform at Romaero Baneasa.

Rusia bombardeaza intensiv instalatiile energetice si de gaz din Ucraina

Atac fara precedent asupra infrastructurii ucrainene. Ministerul rus al Apararii a anuntat ca bombardeaza intensiv instalatiilor energetice si de gaze din sudul tarii, ca razbunare pentru atacurile pe care ucrainenii le-ar fi provocat, la randul lor, asupra unor tinte strategice din Rusia. Utilizand arme aeriene de inalta precizie cu raza lunga de actiune si drone, atacurile a avut ca tinta infrastructura critica, afectand semnificativ industria de aparare a Ucrainei si provocand pene de curent extinse in toata tara, potrivit swissinfo. ch. The Russian air force has conducted a massive strike on objects of energy infrastructure and the gas industry in Ukraine, Russian defense ministry says. Russiahttps:t. cowXDA5dLt49 .

The European Commission allocates 500 million euros for the production of shells

On Friday, the European Commission allocated 500 million euros out of a total of 2 billion euros) for EU defense industry companies to increase ammunition production capacity, according to a press release from the Community Executive.

Failure at Moreni, success at Medias: Rheinmetall enters the Romanian defense industry market

The German arms manufacturer Rheinmetall announced last Thursday that it has taken over 72. 5% of the shares of the Romanian vehicle manufacturer Automecanica Medias, without specifying the value of the transaction.

The war industry: Unfair competition between state-owned companies and private operators

Interview with Dinu Solojan, CEO Transcarpath Sportours International) Reporter: What is the situation of the defense industry in our country?.

Meeting of the NATO Military Committee early next year

The NATO Military Committee will meet on January 17 and 18, 2024, in Brussels, to discuss the situation in Ukraine, the state of the defense industry and interoperability in peacetime, crisis and conflict, according to a press release of the political-military alliance.

The European Commission wants a single market in defence

The European Commission wants to create a single market in the field of defense, which will include establishing and securing the supply chains of the defense industry at the level of the EU bloc, mapping, monitoring, prioritizing orders, as well as facilitating intra-EU exports, according to a document consulted by Euractiv .

The changes to the Fiscal Code bring the defense budget officers to the streets

The provisions of Law 2962023 lead to the loss of holiday vouchers, meal vouchers and seniority allowances by state employees in the defense industry.

actualitate, 19:31

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