
Lucian Anghel, Deputy CEO, Libra Bank: I think that the BNR has proven that it is independent, by not reducing the interest rate

Ziarul Bursa Ziarul Bursa,
Lucian Anghel, Deputy CEO, Libra Bank: I think that the BNR has proven that it is independent, by not reducing the interest rate

The reduction of one billion euros in the trade deficit would have a positive influence on GDP on average by 0. 7 percentage points * Libra economists estimate that there are high chances that the NBR will operate the first interest rate cut in July . continuă pe Ziarul Bursa

Lucian Anghel, Deputy CEO, Libra Bank: Cred ca BNR a dovedit ca este independenta, prin faptul ca nu a redus dobanda

Reducerea cu un miliard de euro a deficitului comercial ar avea o influenta pozitiva asupra PIB-ului in medie cu 0,6 - 0,7 puncte procentuale * Economistii Libra estimeaza ca sunt sanse ridicate ca BNR sa opereze prima taiere de dobanda in iulie.

ştiri de la Ziarul Bursa

actualitate, 08:30

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