
Razvan Pasol, Patria Asset Management: We must have a very good allocation of savings by asset class

Ziarul Bursa Ziarul Bursa,
Razvan Pasol, Patria Asset Management: We must have a very good allocation of savings by asset class

History has shown that over longer periods of time, all declines in the stock markets have been recovered and overcome * In Romania we have the problem of deficit; we will probably see the bill next year. continuă pe Ziarul Bursa

Razvan Pasol, Patria Asset Management: Trebuie sa avem o alocare foarte buna a economiilor pe clase de active

Istoria a aratat ca, pe perioade mai indelungate de timp, toate scaderile pietelor de actiuni au fost recuperate si depasite * in Romania avem problema deficitului; probabil ca nota de plata o vom vedea in cursul anului viitor.

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