
The BVB Board did not inform the shareholders, at the balance sheet meeting, about the impasse of the Central Counterparty; What does Radu Hanga say?

Ziarul Bursa Ziarul Bursa,
The BVB Board did not inform the shareholders, at the balance sheet meeting, about the impasse of the Central Counterparty; What does Radu Hanga say?

The project still needs five million euros for the CCP to become operational, according to CCP. RO Bucharest The Board of Directors of the Bucharest Stock Exchange BVB) did not inform the shareholders, at the balance sheet meeting, about the impasse in which the Central Counterparty project was, although, until that moment, it had been notified about the intention of Euronext Clearing formerly CC and G) to exit the contract with CCP. RO Bucharest, as it appears from subsequent reports and the information that appeared in the public space. continuă pe Ziarul Bursa

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actualitate, 19:30

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