
This Europe

Libnet Ro
The capital will host a regional center of the Europaea Academy

The capital will host a regional center of the Europaea Academy

The Romanian Academy announces the creation, in Bucharest, this year, of a regional center of the Europaea Academy, a prestigious institution that brings together science and art personalities from all over Europe.

The Romanian capital market, an important role for the reconstruction of Ukraine and the development of the Republic of Moldova

The capital market in Romania can have an important role for the reconstruction of Ukraine and the development of the Republic of Moldova, argued the participants at the 10th edition of the CFA CEE Investment Conference, an event that this year was held under the theme Capital Markets in Central and Eastern Europe : A new decade of outperformance and which was hosted by the Palace of the Parliament.

The owner of the Paco Rabanne brand is preparing for listing

The IPO, the largest on the European market, this year Puig, the Spanish beauty company that owns luxury brands such as Paco Rabanne and Carolina Herrera, is preparing for an initial public offering IPO) - the largest in Europe - this year, globaldata. com and Reuters have announced.

Military spending is growing fastest in Asia and Eastern Europe

SIPRI: Global defense spending - at record level Asian countries, such as India and China, have steadily increased their defense spending over the past 15 years, and a comparison with the respective countries and economies shows that this spending increased roughly in line with GDP from 2013 to 2023, standing at to around 2. 4% in India and 1. 7% in China last year, according to a report by the International Peace Research Institute Stockholm International Peace Research Institute - SIPRI), taken over by statista. com.

Ukraine excludes the extension of the agreement for the transit of Russian gas to Europe

Ukraine rules out any trade agreement that would allow Russian natural gas to continue to pass through its territory after the current transit agreement expires at the end of this year, Bloomberg reports, citing Kyiv and s Energy Minister Herman Haluschenko.

Romanian honey wine produced by a couple from Buzau - awarded gold at the largest international competition of its kind

Mihai Negot, honey wine producer: I believe the artisanal beverage market is growing. A young family, settled in a commune in Buzau ten years ago, has managed to introduce the best honey wine in Europe to the market. This refers to a mildly alcoholic beverage obtained from fermented honey, also known as the drink of the Dacians, which recently received the gold medal at the largest competition of its kind, organized in Poland.

Klaus Iohannis, discurs in Parlamentul European: in jurul Uniunii, instabilitatea si insecuritatea au atins niveluri alarmante

Presedintele Klaus Iohannis s-a adresat plenului Parlamentului European, reunit in sesiune la Strasbourg, in cadrul dezbaterii This is Europe.

Presedintele Iohannis se adreseaza plenului Parlamentului European in cadrul dezbaterii This is Europe

ACTUALIZARE: Iohannis: Uniunea Europeana trebuie sa isi eficientizeze capacitatea de luare a deciziilor, iar Romania este pe deplin angajata in acest exercitiu --- * ACTUALIZARE - Iohannis: Apartenenta deplina a Romaniei la Spatiul Schengen, inclusiv cu frontierele terestre, cat mai curand va intari considerabil Uniunea si securitatea Uniunii si va inlesni coeziunea si cooperarea intre noi . * ACTUALIZARE - Iohannis: Romania va continua sa acorde sprijin si sa fie solidara cu Ucraina --- Presedintele Klaus Iohannis participa la dezbaterea This is Europe Aceasta este Europa), in plenul Parlamentului European la Strasbourg.

Iohannis: Apartenenta deplina a Romaniei la Spatiul Schengen, cat mai curand va intari considerabil UE si securitatea UE

ACTUALIZARE- Klaus Iohannis: Ridicarea, in martie, a controalelor la frontierele aeriene si maritime trebuie urmata, in mod firesc, in cel mai scurt timp, de eliminarea controalelor de la frontierele terestre --- * ACTUALIZARE: Iohannis: Uniunea Europeana trebuie sa isi eficientizeze capacitatea de luare a deciziilor, iar Romania este pe deplin angajata in acest exercitiu --- * ACTUALIZARE - Iohannis: Apartenenta deplina a Romaniei la Spatiul Schengen, inclusiv cu frontierele terestre, cat mai curand va intari considerabil Uniunea si securitatea Uniunii si va inlesni coeziunea si cooperarea intre noi . * ACTUALIZARE - Iohannis: Romania va continua sa acorde sprijin si sa fie solidara cu Ucraina --- * ACTUALIZARE: Klaus Iohannis i-a multumit presedintei PE, Roberta Metsola, pentru sprijinul constant si ferm pentru obiectivul nostru, al romanilor, de a intra in Spatiul Schengen --- Presedintele Klaus Iohannis participa la dezbaterea This is Europe Aceasta este Europa), in plenul Parlamentului European la Strasbourg.

Klaus Iohannis se va adresa miercuri Parlamentului European, reunit in sesiune plenara la Strasbourg

Presedintele Klaus Iohannis se va adresa miercuri Parlamentului European, reunit in sesiune plenara la Strasbourg, in cadrul dezbaterii This is Europe. Klaus Iohannis se va adresa Parlamentului European Presedintele Iohannis are programate consultari cu presedinta Metsola pe teme de actualitate de pe agenda UE si cu privire la prioritatile pentru anul 2024.

Iohannis se adreseaza plenului Parlamentului European

Presedintele Klaus Iohannis se va adresa, astazi, plenului Parlamentului European, reunit in sesiune la Strasbourg, in cadrul dezbaterii This is Europe. Seful statului a fost invitat de presedintele Parlamentului European, Roberta Metsola, sa participe la aceasta dezbatere. Invitatia transmisa presedintelui Klaus Iohannis de a se adresa plenului Parlamentului European, intr-un an crucial pentru viitorul Uniunii, .

Klaus Iohannis se va adresa miercuri Parlamentului European, reunit in sesiune plenara la Strasbourg

Presedintele Klaus Iohannis urmeaza sa se adreseze miercuri, incepand cu ora 12. 00, Parlamentului European, reunit in sesiune plenara la Strasbourg, in cadrul dezbaterii This is Europe, transmite Agerpres.

Klaus Iohannis va prezenta Parlamentului European viziunea sa privind solutionarea provocarilor cu care se confrunta Uniunea

Presedintele Klaus Iohannis va tine miercuri un discurs in plenul Parlamentului European, reunit in sesiune la Strasbourg, in cadrul dezbaterii This is Europe. Seful statului isi va prezenta viziunea asupra solutiilor la principalele provocari cu care se confrunta Uniunea in prezent.

The largest theme park in Spain is getting ready for Christmas.

PortAventura World, the largest theme park in Spain and the third largest in Europe, has transformed into a Christmas wonderland. Under the Christmas theme, starting from November 18, the park welcomes those who love this holiday and its traditions, dedicating itself to the Winter Holidays until January 7, 2024. Tourists who choose to visit this magnificent place will enjoy themed spaces, Christmas shows, culinary delights from restaurants with Christmas cuisine, fireworks, and many other surprises.

High temperatures have affected the entire Europe.

This summer has set numerous temperature records in many parts of the world. Europe was among the most affected continents.

Inflation is rising in Germany and s major states

Overall, inflation in Europe and s biggest economy slowed this month Inflation rose in four of six key German states in August, according to official data released yesterday, casting doubt on whether the national downward trend will continue, according to Reuters.

Imagini cu primele tancuri franceze sosite in Romania. Care este misiunea lor (FOTO)

Parte a operatiunii Aigle prin care Franta si-a asumat rolul de natiune cadru a grupului de lupta NATO constituit in Romania, primele tancuri franceze au ajuns deja in tara noastra. Pe contul de Twitter French Armed Forces in Romania pagina oficiala a fortelor armate franceze stationate la Cincu au fost publicate imagini cu tancurile Leclerc incarcate pe vagoane de tip platforma, anunta Defense Romania. MissionAigle received the Leclerc tanks at the Voila railway station 127479;127476;. This equipment contributes to the increase of the 127467;127479; operational capabilities in Romania and reinforces the @NATO defensive and preventive position on the eastern flank of Europe. pic. twitter. comE0aQZlSQpv .

How to start a business in Luxembourg

Luxembourg is a small country that manages to present numerous and important business advantages. It is conveniently located in the heart of Europe, with an attractive business and work environment and it has a highly skilled workforce. Investors can open a company in Luxembourg by following a few key steps and afterward enjoying all that the Grand Duchy has to offer. Investors can learn how to start a business in Luxembourg in this short guide.

Cum devenim, fara voie, raspandaci ai propagandei ruse: in epoca internetului, minciuna are picioare lungi si foarte rapide

In cadrul conferintei Europe: Check this out! Confruntarea Euro-miturilor si combaterea propagandei rusesti, experti din mediul academic si oficiali ai Uniunii Europene au vorbit despre ecosistemul dezinformarii in care se afla inclusiv Romania.

We want to launch our full range of tablets in South East Europe this summer

Lenovo intends to introduce its entire range of tablets in the markets in South East Europe SEE) this summer, according to Ivan Bozev, the manager responsible for the region. The launch of smartphones will take place in the same period, and the first countries to witness it will be Serbia and Montenegro.

actualitate, 01:06

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