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Kremlin Manipulates US Elections; the Russian operation, annihilated by American institutions

Kremlin Manipulates US Elections; the Russian operation, annihilated by American institutions

The US Department of Justice has seized 32 Internet domains used by Russia in a massive campaign to influence the 2024 presidential election and other countries, revealing the Kremlin and s involvement in disseminating fake news *The Russia Today post and high-ranking Russian influencers such as Margarita Simonyan, orchestrated disinformation operations using advanced artificial intelligence techniques and fake websites *Russia managed to recruit American influencers without their knowledge, who disseminated pro-Kremlin propaganda online *American influencers were to receive total 10 million dollars for the services provided *The operation targeted both the United States and European countries such as Germany and France.

The United States - at the top of the ranking of global arms spending

The United States topped the list of countries with the highest military spending in 2023, dedicating $916 billion to the military, according to statista. com.

The end of the pandemic, researched by scientists

Recent research published in The European Physical Journal B offers an interesting explanation for the sharp decline in deaths from Covid-19 in the United States between August 2022 and March 2023. Although vaccines have played a crucial role in fighting the pandemic, it appears that a change in the molecular structure of the spike protein of SARS-CoV-2 was a decisive factor in reducing the severity of infections.

How many times have the Russians threatened with a nuclear attack?

Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov has once again threatened a world war, including references to nuclear weapons. On Tuesday, the Russian official said that the West is playing with fire by allowing Ukraine to strike deep into Russia with Western missiles and warned the United States that a Third World War would not be limited to Europe.

Iulian Chifu: Russia does not have the capacity to enter into a nuclear confrontation with the USA or NATO

Russia does not have the capacity to engage in a nuclear confrontation or long-distance strikes with the United States or NATO member states, according to Iulian Chifu, President of the Center for Conflict Prevention and Early Warning.

Iulian Fota: A nuclear war is one without winners

A nuclear war is a war without winners, says Iulian Fota, a specialist in international relations, who pointed out that a nuclear confrontation would lead to a planetary catastrophe. His statements come in the context of recent remarks by Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov, who once again threatened the United States with nuclear war, warning that a Third World War would not only affect Europe.

Frightening: Russia once again plays the atomic bomb tune

The Third World War will not be limited to Europe, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov warned again on Tuesday, addressing the United States in a press conference in Moscow.

The minutes of Fed meeting indicate, as likely, the interest rate cut in September

The key interest rate is currently in the range of 5. 5%, the highest level in the last 23 years An interest rate cut in the United States in September is increasingly likely, according to the minutes of the last monetary policy meeting of Federal Reserve officials in July, writes CNBC.

Cutremur cu magnitudinea 7 in Rusia. A fost emisa alerta de tsunami

Un cutremur puternic s-a prudus sambata seara, in estul extrem al Rusiei. Seismul a avut o magnitudine de 7 grade pe Scara Richter, astfel ca autoritatile din apropiere au emis o alerta de tsunami. Cutremur puternic in estul Rusiei Seismul a avut loc in seara de sambata, potrivit anuntului facut de United States Geological Survey, .

Rusia, zguduita de un cutremur de 7 grade. Un vulcan a erupt in urma seismului

Un cutremur cu magnitudinea 7 a zguduit sambata Rusia, conform informatiilor furnizate de United States Geological Survey USGS), agentia americana care monitorizeaza activitatea seismica la nivel global, transmite AFP. Seismul a avut loc in Marea Bering, la o adancime de aproape 50 de kilometri, in apropierea peninsulei Kamceatka din Rusia, la aproximativ 90 de kilometri .

Cutremur cu magnitudinea 7 in estul extrem al Rusiei

Un cutremur cu magnitudinea 7 a avut loc in Rusia, sambata, a anuntat United States Geological Survey USGS), o agentie guvernamentala responsabila cu monitorizarea activitatii seismice in intreaga lume.

JO: China counterattacks, demands anti-doping controls for Americans

Pointed at from many directions, on grounds of sports performance and doping, China has reminded itself that the most effective defense is attack. China and s anti-doping agency CHINA) has asked the International Testing Agency ITA) to step up testing of athletes in the United States after American sprinter Erriyon Knighton tested positive for the banned substance trenbolone.

Cutremur cu magnitudinea de peste 7 grade in Japonia. Alerta maxima, pericol de tsunami

Astazi, la ora locala 16:42, sud-vestul Japoniei a fost lovit de un cutremur de mare magnitudine, cu o valoare de 7,1 grade pe scara Richter. Epicentrul seismului a fost localizat in apropierea orasului Miyazaki, in zona Marii Hyuganada. Conform raportului Agentiei Meteorologice Japoneze si al United States Geological Survey, cutremurul s-a produs la o adancime .

New York, California and Texas are home to the wealthiest suburbs in the US

The richest suburbs in the United States of America USA) are in New York, California and Texas, according to data compiled by GoBankingRates, taken over by visualcapitalist. com.

Business Insider: The United States is sending less gas to Europe, complicating plans to ditch

Russian gas Europe and s Russian gas imports have shrunk from more than 40% before the war in Ukraine to around 15%, according to the US publication.

Business Insider: The United States is sending less gas to Europe, complicating plans to ditch

Russian gas Europe and s Russian gas imports have shrunk from more than 40% before the war in Ukraine to around 15%, according to the US publication.

Viktor Orban, criticat de ambasadorul SUA in Ungaria, dupa afirmatiile pro-ruse facute la Baile Tusnad: Nu asta e ceea ce ne asteptam de la un aliat (VIDEO)

David Pressman, ambasadorul Statelor Unite in Ungaria, a criticat declaratiile facute de premierul ungar Viktor Orban la Universitatea de Vara de la Baile Tusnad. Pressman a sustinut ca americanii nu se asteapta la asa ceva de la un aliat. in aceleasi declaratii, imediat dupa intalnirea cu Putin, premierul Viktor Orban a propagat teorii ale conspiratiei Kremlinului cu privire la SUA. Nu asta e ceea ce ne asteptam de la un aliat, a scris ambasadorul David Pressman, pe platforma X. In the same remarks, fresh from his meeting with Putin, Prime Minister Orban also peddled Kremlin conspiracy theories about the United States. Hardly what we expect from an Ally.

Schimbare la Secret Service: Noul director interimar este Ronald Rowe Junior

Ronald Rowe Junior este numit noul Director Interimar al Serviciilor Secrete SUA, transmite AlephNews. Rowe s-a alaturat pentru prima data Serviciilor Secrete in 1999, lucrand in diverse pozitii in cadrul agentiei. Mayorkas: L-am numit pe directorul adjunct al United States Secret Service, Ronald Rowe, in functia de director interimar al Secret Service Secretarul pentru Securitate .

Business Insider: Forex transactions in Russia have come to be done almost exclusively in yuan

US sanctions have forced Russia and s main stock exchange to cut ties with the dollar and euro, according to Bloomberg Currency transactions in Russia have come to be done almost entirely in yuan, after sanctions imposed by the United States forced the country and s main stock exchange to cut ties with the dollar and the euro, Business Insider writes, citing a Bloomberg report.

America is preparing for days of fire

The heat wave takes all the continents by storm. Vast regions of the central and eastern United States are bracing for a sweltering heat wave this week, with temperatures expected to be unusually high for June.

actualitate, 14:31

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