
World War

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How many times have the Russians threatened with a nuclear attack?

How many times have the Russians threatened with a nuclear attack?

Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov has once again threatened a world war, including references to nuclear weapons. On Tuesday, the Russian official said that the West is playing with fire by allowing Ukraine to strike deep into Russia with Western missiles and warned the United States that a Third World War would not be limited to Europe.

Aurel Cazacu: Russia is not fighting Ukraine, but NATO and the USA

Recent statements by the Russian Foreign Minister threatening the USA with a new world war aim to strengthen the confidence of the Russian population and soldiers, according to military expert Aurel Cazacu.

Iulian Fota: A nuclear war is one without winners

A nuclear war is a war without winners, says Iulian Fota, a specialist in international relations, who pointed out that a nuclear confrontation would lead to a planetary catastrophe. His statements come in the context of recent remarks by Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov, who once again threatened the United States with nuclear war, warning that a Third World War would not only affect Europe.

Frightening: Russia once again plays the atomic bomb tune

The Third World War will not be limited to Europe, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov warned again on Tuesday, addressing the United States in a press conference in Moscow.

The stars of all wars: weapons!

The wars in Ukraine and Gaza are causing excitement and concern around the world. The indisputable stars of these military conflicts are the weapons, sent to the involved parties from all areas of the world. Peace is desired, but war is fueled with fuel.

How the war redirected Ukraine and s grain exports

Russia and s invasion of Ukraine in 2022 and the temporary blockade of its Black Sea ports have redirected the flow of grain from the breadbasket of the world.

The EU proves us right, the treasure seized by the Russians is ours. And?!

The resolution adopted yesterday by the European Parliament requesting the Commission that, after the end of the conflict in Ukraine, in the negotiations with the Russian Federation, take steps to return the treasure of our country, which has been in Moscow since the First World War, is an inapplicable act in the next period.

Donald Trump va retrage SUA din NATO daca va redeveni presedinte, avertizeaza un fost consilier: El nu vedea absolut niciun rost in NATO. Crede ca Putin si Kim Jong-Un sunt tipi de treaba si i-am provocat

In cartea The Return of Great Powers: Russia, China, and the Next World War, semnata de Jim Sciutto, fost oficial guvernamental si jurnalist american, un fost oficial care a lucrat la nivel inalt atat in Administratia Trump, cat si in cea a lui Biden a sustinut ca daca Donald Trump va castiga alegerile prezidentiale din noiembrie, SUA vor iesi din NATO. Ideea e confirmata si de alti fosti consilieri. Cartea urmeaza sa fie lansata pe 12 martie.

The world has entered the zodiac of war

The world map is filled with red dots, marking places where armed conflicts of various sizes are taking place. In addition to these, there are also orange and zones where tensions are escalating, and direct confrontation seems imminent. From Ukraine to Gaza, from Pakistan to Taiwan, weapons speak, and dialogue seems impossible.

World Bank: Oil can reach the record of 150 dollars per barrel, if the Israel-Hamas war escalates

Brent crude was trading at around $88 yesterday * The impact of the conflict on commodity markets should be limited, if it does not expand, according to the World Bank .

Report: Russia uses the yuan for 25% of its trade with the rest of the world

The yuan and s share of Russia and s imports rose from 4 percent to 23 percent last year, according to Reuters. With the outbreak of the war in Ukraine, Russia has further fueled the de-dollarization trend by concluding more contracts with its trading partners using the yuan, with China and s currency now accounting for a large share of the Kremlin and s imports and exports, according to Business Insider.

FEST Belgrad 2023: Dupa razboi, bunatatea supravietuieste datorita damnatilor

Marele castigator al editiei a 51-a a Festivalului International de Film de la Belgrad FEST a fost un film iranian, World War III, semnat de Houman Seyyedi.

Kievul isi revine incet dupa cel mai devastator bombardament de la inceputul razboiului. Capitala a fost reconectata la electricitate si apa curenta

Kiev-ul continua sa reziste bombardamentelor rusesti. Dupa mai multe zile de atacuri devastatoare care au distrus infrastructura si i-au lasat in bezna si frig pe ucraineni, au fost refacute instalatiile electrice, potrivit reuters. com. The people of Ukraine remain strong even as many suffer without electricity, food, drinking water, heat, or communications resulting from President Putins war. The U. and the world remain UnitedWithUkraine. pic. twitter. commXko9elJcP .

Ucraina acuza armata rusa ca incendiaza campurile de cereale din regiunea Zaporojie

Un oficial din Ucraina a acuzat vineri armata Rusiei ca a incendiat campurile de cereale din regiunea ocupata Zaporojie, din sud-estul tarii, conform The Guardian. Purtatorul de cuvant al Ministerului ucrainean de Externe, Oleg Nikolenko, a postat pe Twitter o imagine cu un vast camp de cereale in flacari. Ucraina acuza armata rusa ca incendiaza campurile de cereale din regiunea Zaporojie Amintiti-va aceasta imagine de fiecare data cand rusii spun ca le pasa de securitatea alimentara globala. Milioane de oameni din intreaga lume se vor confrunta cu foametea pentru ca Rusia a lansat un razboi brutal impotriva Ucrainei, a scris Nikolenko in postare. Russias troops set fire to grain fields in Ukraines fertile Zaporizhzhia region. Remember this picture every time Russians say they care about global food security. Millions of people across the world will face hunger because Russia launched a brutal war against Ukraine. pic. twitter. com8BktmNCM79 .

Arborarea steagului Ucrainei a fost interzisa la Berlin

Autoritatile germane au interzis arborarea steagurilor Ucrainei si Rusiei in apropierea monumentelor comemorative din Berlin. Interdictia este valabila doar in proximitatea zilei de 9 mai, cand se sarbatoresc 77 de ani de la sfarsitul celui de-al Doilea Razboi Mondial, potrivit foxnews. com. De asemenea, nu este permisa nici afisarea simbolurilor legate de acest conflict, precum steagul Sfantului Gheorghe, un simbol militar rusesc format dintr-un model bicolor negru si portocaliu, cu trei benzi negre si doua portocalii, a literelor Z, V sau L. Berlin city authorities have banned the use of Ukrainian symbols in commemorations of those killed in World War II on May 8-9.

War Gamming, care detine si jocul World of Tanks, pleaca din Belarus si Rusia

In ultimele saptamani, Wargaming a efectuat o analiza strategica a operatiunilor comerciale din intreaga lume. Compania a decis ca nu va detine sau nu va opera nicio afacere in Rusia si Belarus si va parasi ambele tari.

Razboiul Mondial V

In 2006, scriitorul Max Brooks a publicat cartea Razboiul Z World War Z), in care exploreaza modul in care indivizi si natiuni s-au adaptat unei pandemii devastatoare. Cartea este un diamant ascuns intr-un gen care cel mai adesea se concentreaza pe grotesc si carnagiu.

O coalitie de personalitati declara razboi incalzirii globale prin intermediul World War Zero

Fostul sef al diplomatiei americane John Kerry a lansat duminica World War Zero, o coalitie de lupta impotriva incalzirii globale sprijinita de numeroase personalitati, intre care Leonardo DiCaprio, Emma Watson sau Arnold Schwarzenegger.

John Kerry lanseaza World War Zero, o coalitie in lupta impotriva modificarilor climatice

Fostul sef al diplomatiei americane John Kerry a lansat in mod oficial World War Zero - o coalitie in lupta impotriva modificarilor climatice, sustinuta de personalitati din lumea cinematografiei si muzicii precum Leonardo DiCaprio, Emma Watson si Arnold Schwarzenegger, relateaza AFP.

John Kerry lanseaza World War Zero, o coalitie in lupta impotriva modificarilor climatice, sustinuta de personalitati din lumea politica, a cinematografiei si muzicii

Fostul sef al diplomatiei americane John Kerry a lansat in mod oficial World War Zero - o coalitie in lupta impotriva modificarilor climatice, sustinuta de personalitati din lumea cinematografiei si muzicii precum Leonardo DiCaprio, Emma Watson sau Arnold Schwarzenegger, relateaza AFP.

actualitate, 10:31

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