
University of Bucharest Review. Literary and Cultural Studies Series (UBR), volume IX, Number 1, 2019 (new series)

Editura Universităţii Bucureşti Editura Universităţii Bucureşti,
University of Bucharest Review. Literary and Cultural Studies Series (UBR), volume IX, Number 1, 2019 (new series)

University of Bucharest Review. Literary and Cultural Studies Series UBR) was founded in 1999 and has been a constant presence on the Romanian academic scene ever since. The review is a platform for the publication of original research. UBRs originality lies primarily in the following cherished values: 1. Inclusiveness: open to both literature-centered, and culture-centered . continuă pe Editura Universităţii Bucureşti

University of Bucharest Review. Literary and Cultural Studies Series (UBR), volume IX, Number 2, 2019 (new series)

University of Bucharest Review. Literary and Cultural Studies Series UBR) was founded in 1999 and has been a constant presence on the Romanian academic scene ever since. The review is a platform for the publication of original research. UBRs originality lies primarily in the following cherished values: 1. Inclusiveness: open to both literature-centered, and culture-centered .

actualitate, 21:15

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